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May/June 2018
With so many folks being pushed onto PIP from DLA remember to take your time in filling the form, and don't try and make out you can do something when in reality you struggle to achieve the task listed or need help with the task. Remember if you have to face a assessment to demand the assessors
GMC number of a doctor, ENB reference if a nurse and registration number for any other health service assessor, they cannot refuse you that information, if they try to just tell them that you will contact their governing association that they have refused to give you what is legally in the public domain and their organisations will deal with them. If you have no one to go with you record the conversation you have with the assessor, a mini tape recorder or mobile phone can undertake that task.

September 2018
The complaints about PIP assessment continue to roll in to Disabilities Forum, we are now aware of 299 deaths of disabled people directly through assessors claiming genuine disabled people are not disabled, the corrupt assessors hired by a corrupt ATOS health care, then over seen by a disgusting corrupt DWP whos sole purpose is to save the government money using the most vulnerable group in society to achieve that target.A recently heard about disabled person who was assessed 6 years ago by the DWP and placed on a higher rate than they had been in receipt of previously, this year a so called occupational therapist claimed the person was not disabled despite highly restrictive vision "confirmed by NHS", and very limited mobility which affected his daily life in almost every way. The corrupt Occupational Therapist made plenty of statements 80% in accurate, but in this case she came up to a former double qualified senior nurse "RGN/RMN" and was recorded with DWP permission to expose the totally untrue statement claimed by the assessor, counter claimed by the disabled person. The client has formerly complained to the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and having spoken to them discovered how disgusted they were with that assessor, the individual concerned is a Ms Sarah Price claiming to be an OT. The client was a type 1 diabetic 51 years a diabetic, who directly though her lies cannot pay for a helper to draw up his insulin, or pay for a helper to prepare his meals "sight", and cannot get out as he can no longer afford taxis to travel. This assessor has been also reported to the police as a possibly deliberate manslaughter or even murder case.
Letter to the minister
October 2018
The Rt Hon Esther McVey
c/o the house of commons

The change over for Disabled People from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payment is proving to be a highly dubious and corrupt exercise instructed by the Government through the totally corrupt Department of Work and Pensions and equally corrupt ATOS Health Care.
Disabilities Forum have had clients who are totally blind being assessed as having normal sight, clients with no legs in wheelchairs being assessed as walking 200 metres unaided, assessed by so called medially qualified health professionals
ATOS Health Care urge assessors to fail disabled people by pressuring assessors monies for the assessments and promising more work if they fail disabled people, the DWP assessors are civil servants who self admit to having no medical knowledge at all, disabled people are treated with contempt, lies and no respect what so ever.
You as the minister concerned need to end this corrupt practice I am aware it is a money saving exercise using the most vulnerable members of society to save the government monies but in doing so people are dying “299 to date, governments own numbers obtained directly related to assessment corruption”
The system may catch the odd fraud but in the attempt to save monies thousands of disabled people are seeing their quality of life reduced directly by the governments policies “yours”, people are being hospitalised through your policies and 299 have died as a direct result of your policies.
It was said to me that ATOS Health Care corrupt practices would and had lead to them loosing the contract but I am rely-ably informed that no other health assessment group would sacrifice proper assessment for government stipulations to fail disabled peoples assessments so ATOS who will sacrifice disabled people genuine disabilities for money were given back the role.
Sort this out

January 2019
The corrupt practices under the stewardship of new internee Amanda Rudd contuse with the change from DLA to PIP.
It has been confirmed by former assessors that the most corrupt health care company ATOS healthcare deliberately places assessors to carry out assessments on clients that they are totally out of their depth to undertake assessments. Examples are maternity nurses being given mental health clients to assess, under qualified occupational therapists given blind clients to assess. Many assessments do not see the proper tests carried out so the assessors report the client did not fail the test, such areas as rotational tests on wrists, and ankles mobility and include a below the leg amputee who it is claimed passed the ankle rotation tests, a mental health client who the assessor claimed did not have any issues and spoke in concise detail with confidence of their difficulties. Approaches to the Director General of the DWP have resulted in no response even when MPs approach the director they feel that they are untouchable.

Ask the assessor their qualification - if you feel they are unable to carry out an assessment do not continue.
If you have the assessment you are then asked to sign a completion form - do not do so - state that you will sign it after receipt of the assessment report and if you feel it is inadequate refuse to sign any form, and always lodge a complaint about the assessment when you request the DWP to look at the decision again, Remember the DWP assessors are not medically qualified according to the DWP
NOTE we won the case with a second reconsideration, proof of the lies told by a recorded assessment tape, and support of a local MP. It did not go to an appeal.

January 11th 2019
ATOS Healthcare and DWP deliberate corruption continues, we today received a message from a client that they had been turned down for PIP, based on the corrupt evidence of an ill qualified assessor who was and admits to being totally unable to correctly assess our client. The client went for assessment to switch from DLA to PIP the assessment lasted just under an hour, the assessor within her notes claimed our client walked normally unaided, his ankle rotation on left and right was within normal levels. The client was turned down for PIP, the reconsideration included a transcript of the assessment which had been recorded with DWP permission and the fact that the rotation tests had not been carried out, as well as a medical impossibility that he had walked 12 yards into the room unaided - our client is a below the knee amputee left side, always has to use crutches or a wheelchair "crutches on the assessment," yet the DWP assessor refused to accept the live copy/recording of the assessment was true, and claimed our client could walk 200 yards unaided , and that the rotation tests on both ankles was completed- this is total utter corruption and the Government using ATOS a corrupt organisation to save money rather than properly funding disabled people it is total contempt for disabled people a tissue of lies supported and encouraged by the equally corrupt CONSERVATIVE government.

April 2019
Disabilities Forum strongly support "Extinction Rebellion" and have attended the London based protest with some of our clients. We urge you to support this non violent directive in your and go on line to add your support at

October 2019
The PRS Performance Rights Society have attempted to gain monies from a number of disabled folk including us, the call goes as follows.
The caller will ask "do you listen to music on your property ?" if say yes they respond "what do you listen on radio or anything else" if you then say yes to radio or CD, DVD ,record player, TV they will claim that you need a licence, if you say you don't they will still try and claim that you pay for a licence and will try and extract monies from you DO NOT CONTINUE THE CALL PUT THE PHONE DOWN. They will follow up, with us 38 times despite the property they tell us we need a licence for we tell them is a home not a commercial property. We have now started a court case against these monsters to compensate for harassment, stress and a deliberate attempt to obtain monies by false pretences.

November 2019
Today November 1st another paper/report has been published severely criticising the institutional care or lack of care of people with Learning Disabilities and Autism it makes recommendations and accuses the carers of actions that contravene the rights of every human. Lets be honest the government has been well aware of the inhumane methods of care for this group of people for years and has not acted it has deliberately just paid lip service and continued to encourage inhumane treatment of the group of people, it has allowed people to be placed in cells for 24/7 has allowed and encouraged no people contact, and drives Learning Disabled and Autistic people to suffer unacceptable torture at the hands of authorities "NHS and Local Councils". The latest comments from the authorities has stated they will look at the recommendations and will act, no no no, the authorities must act now, today not tomorrow, or next week or next month it must act now. Disabilities Forum urges anyone who is aware of people facing daily imprisonment in so called places of care to contact the NHS, their MP and the Minister for Health & Social Care demanding the cruelty ends immediately. We must demand proper care in the community support and demand a stop to this action against humanity. Don't think about it do it now lets make this exposure a major issue

March 27th 2020
I have been pressing the government to end/abandon council tax for 3 months as so many people have run out of money especially self employed and 0 hours contracts and this is an instant way of helping people. "councils will loose 3 months monies but they have reduced their services anyway" I have also demanded that alongside this cut of Council tax the Social Care module which is 2% could be lifted to 5% to help social care/intervention.
I am also pushing for an American style grant be issued to all under £25,000 annual income as the benefits application system will and now has broken down leaving so many unable to claim any benefits.

April 30th
Disabilities Forum have been in contact with supermarket chains demanding that disabled people are allowed to be accompanied, example a wheelchair customer who cannot reach above a certain level, and blind or partially sighted people who cannot see clearly what they want to purchase, intellectual deficient cannot always read the packaging, in all cases help is essential. Sainsbury have clearly stated they will not alter their one person only admission, our suggestion shop elsewhere we have tried with no problems at Iceland, Morrisons, Waitrose or Tesco.

April 2021
Emotional Support Animals
Recently it has been noted that local Councils have been deliberately removing emotional support animals from disabled folks that need the animals to reduce mood or behavioural fluctuations, this despite the folks tenancy stating pets are permitted.
Emotional Support Animals do not need training, or certificates they basicaly are a soothing animal and by their presence stabilises mood swings and behaviour problems. In many cases removal of these animals by local councils lead to essential tremors a Parkinson style condition which when bad stops folks holding things, plates, utensals, phones and if at the legs area can prevent or endanger mobility. Dogs, Cats, Horses, and Rabbits are included as a Emotional Support Animals, I personally use to use them on post MI/CVA "stroke/Heartattacks wards when a nurse and they enhanced recovery greatly.
The councils that take out warrants claiming Animal Welfare then turn up and steal the animals deliberately whilst in full knowledge of the harm it can do to Disabled Folks, one of the worse councils to undertake this disgusting act in their programme of anti disabled policy is Harrow Council.
If you have or have had the problem their are plenty of advice web sites that can help you.

feel free to use this statement on social media

I am a 66 year old multi disabled person in receipt of Higher rate of PIP and claiming Working Tax Credit as I run Disabilities Forum DF “which assists disabled people with their benefits, as well as housing issues, educational support and more”. I run Disabilities Forum as I am a former Degree qualified Social Worker + a CQSW and in nursing a RMN & RGN so feel a duty to undertake DF as the government spent a lot of money on my qualifications and salaries when training. I also worked for Cheshire Homes in Kent to gain experience.
I also have a hobby titled Soccer Club Swap Shop, as the name suggests football clubs, and swapping programmes, part of the hobby is the annual programme awards in which a number of clubs receive a certificate & covering letter for their awards something I have undertaken since inception in 1992, it is a hobby and rather than spend my money of mind numbing, brainwashing Prime, Netflix, or TV surpluses I spend it on Soccer Club Swap Shop. I have a web site which lists the awards, and all my wants for filling the gaps in my programme collection with the price I am willing to pay. There are also areas where through my links I can organize production and design of badges which since first in 2003 showing has had no response especially as badge collecting appears to have ended with the pandemic 2 years.

Harrow Council have decided that this hobby is a business they are claiming that every page states “For Sale” which a deliberate lie each page states people 'wants', there is a page titled “Other items” which is dated 2010 clearly, and a page with postal rates to be introduced dated April 1st 2014, “the last sales” and they are demanding I have a bank account, and accountant and claim I am selling off the site, furthermore they are cutting my housing benefit out totally.
They have sent me a business form “Expenditure & Income” and told me I must fill it in. I have informed the council a number of times that I will not lie or purge myself by filling in a form that does not apply and that due to it being a hobby I have had and will continue to have no need for receipts for stationary, postage, inks, paper, and will not pay for a bank account or accountant for a hobby just to suit their purposes.
I have also told the Harrow Council that under Housing Benefits sects 13, 14 and 86 I do not need to provide information on a hobby, this has been told to them by phone and email on 9 occasions this year, Harrow Council have ignored these facts. From April 30th Harrow Council have accepted Soccer Club Swap Shop is a hobby but claim I am selling 1000s of items on ebay despite Andrew Neal twice previously stating the numbers are visibly minimal. However they are demanding full details of this joint account which I have been told by another Harrow Council employee not to give them as they will tamper with the account thus I have refused to issue that information as it also compromises the joint holder “confidentiality”. Meanwhile ebay have been informed of Harrow Council attempts to gain access to a number of individual accounts and do tamper with the accounts, ebay have informed me that they will take criminal, action against this corrupt council.
Harrow Council have also threatened to end my age related Housing Benefit as I am aged 66, end my 25% reduction as I live alone, and count my deferred pension for two years whilst running Disabilities Forum as savings accumulated, all illegal moves advised by the government and other groups.
Add to that they have told me that I can adjust the front page of the 4 page income and expenditure form removing sections stating “business” on this issue I have been advised not to do by an employee within the Housing Benefit office, as when Harrow Council received the signed form they will replace the front cover sheet with a page stating the Soccer Club Swap Shop is a business in other words returning it to its previous claim and with my signature declaration on the 4th sheet, in other words tampering and interfering. I have thus told them I will not do so and they must provide the correct paperwork for me to respond to.

In 2022 Housing Benefit refused to accept I was in receipt of Enhanced rate of PIP until the DWP threatened them with legal action they then finally recognized the truth and the year before 2021, they claimed I had a carer so reduced my Housing Benefit named an individual but the individual named spent 6 weeks telling them he was not my carer and worked full time, eventually they dropped the claim.
I mention these two events to express how corrupt Harrow Council Housing Benefits are, I have suggested a parliamentary commission investigation into this department as many of my Disabilities Forum clients have had similar

A number of London councils are refusing to accept that disabled folks are in receipt of PIP or DLA thus charging full rents and Council Tax, this appears to be a 2023-24 deliberate fiddle only occurring in London. Do not accept these crooked councils decision and take the matter to the Tribunal.


From H Middleton

Harrow Council in London
are deliberately stealing
disabled peoples Housing
Benefits, the new minister
has been contacted see below

Disabilities Forum

121 Sefton Avenue

Harrow Weald


tel 0208 922 7799 e mail

Association of Business Professionals

Committee Member & European Social Community, Health and Welfare Group”

Minister of Housing

Harrow Council
Housing Benefits
Greenhill Library
Perceval Square,
College Road,
Harrow, HA1 1GX

Please read through this, the recommendation that an investigation into Harrow Council “Housing Benefit” be carried out, the reasons are listed below.
Over the last 4 years the following
A Mrs and Mr Ginger students at University had their housing benefit stopped because Harrow Benefits claimed
they were not looking or registering for work, how could they as they were / are university full time students. Tel 07776928708.
Powell had their Housing Benefits stopped as a retired disabled individual aged over 70 the council claiming they are making a living taking train numbers and photos at stations.
Whilst another over 70s individual also disabled who goes to bus stations and rallies had their housing benefits stopped, the claim by Harrow Council that they are making a £20,000 living from their hobby.
Another Disabilities Forum client disabled over 70 who tends their garden exclusively has also had their rightful housing benefit stopped as Harrow Council claim they are making a living by tending their garden.
For the last 7 years Harrow Council have attempted to withdraw my “ Dr Phil Watkins” and others Housing Benefits when I and others are entitled to Housing Benefit.
In my case over the last few years they have claimed I earned £25,000 per annum proven to be a total lie by the bank statements whilst ending my Housing Benefit some years ago.
The council then claimed that I had a live in carer ending my Housing Benefit for that year under the freedom of information act I demanded the name and address of the person named the person named was contacted by me neither of us had ever heard of each other and the named person stated they would take legal action as Harrow Council had used his name and address to make false claims.
The following year Harrow Council claimed I was not disabled and ended my housing benefit for that year, the Department of Works and Pensions threatened legal action as the council had it within their calculations that I was in receipt of the Highest Rate of DLA/PIP. “ A high level of disability”

Two years later they claimed I was earning £20,000 totally disproven by the bank, Harrow still withdrew my Housing Benefits.
This year they have claimed that I am earning £25,000 a year, am selling football enamel badges at £200 per 100 badges and quoting a purchase price of £200 per 100 which with postage would have seen me make a £185 loss but as I had never sold badges of any sort the claim was rejected although the council contacted a number of football clubs who stated that they do not buy small numbers of badges and only buy pin badges, I live in a small 2 bedroomed flat.
The council then claimed I was selling football programmes from a customer web site WANTS list, the council contacted some of the listed emails, all told the council that the lists were their wants, the council then contacted some of the listed urging them to say they were purchasing programmes from my website one of the wants emailers a Mr Heiss took/taking legal action against the council.
All the others told Harrow Council that the lists were the individuals WANTS despite the council urging the individuals to deliberately lie.
Harrow Council have then claimed that my attending local football matches at Harrow Borough, Rayners Lane, Wembley FC, Barnet, and Broadfields United was bringing in an income where as it costs me between £7 and £12 admission, £2 to £3 per programme, plus tea and occasionally chips, as well as taxi to and from the match as I am multi disabled “Mobility and Sight” a minimum of £40 per match total cost to me.
Harrow Borough Housing Benefit has still ceased my Housing Benefits and raised my rent to £151.27 per week which is more than the works pension I receive by £75 a month.
My other income is PIP at the highest rate for my multi disabilities.
My post retirement occupation is running Disabilities Forum a help group for disabled people advising/representing on issues such as corrupt councils, disabled benefits, disabled travel, and disabled education following working pre retirement age as a qualified social worker, and double qualified nurse for some 25 years. I don’t feel I have the right to retire totally as I am well qualified and have plenty of experience in social care and nursing sectors.
My contact is 07782558466.

These 5 individuals are registered with Disabilities Forum so how many other people within the borough are also having their rightfull housing benefit stolen by the corrupt council.


H Middleton
Disabilities Forum

In 2024-25 The corrupt thieves of Harrow Council are taking more disabled peoples Housing Benefits despite those people qualifying for full housing benefits this is a deliberate attempt to stop disabled people leaving their homes by taking up to £160 per week away from them, these people are fully entitled to housing benefit but he corrupt taking away their benefits prevents them from affording ways to venture out, one of their staff stated clearly that Harrow Housing do not want Disabled people in the area so stops them from being able to afford to go out.